Talking My Cousin Vinny With Adventure Club Podcast

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Earlier this week I was contacted by podcaster, Guy Hutchinson, who runs the show at Adventure Club Podcast. If you aren’t familiar with the podcast I encourage you to swing over to their website to check them out. Guy and his team interview all sorts of people including actors, authors, recording artists, and a long list of other interesting people.

After reading my blog post titled “My Cousin Vinny: Then and Now 20th Anniversary,” Guy sent me a tweet expressing interest in having me on his show so I could share my experience about the My Cousin Vinny filming locations tour I put together in 2012. You can read the brief Twitter exchange below.

Yesterday Guy and I got together to talk about all the My Cousin Vinny locations I visited. You can listen to the interview below by clicking on the audio player. It’s approximately 22 minutes in length.

[audio:|titles=Talking My Cousin Vinny With Adventure Club Podcast]

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