The day was October 12, 2018 when I left the jewelry store with a beautiful engagement ring in hand and my pockets a lot less lined. I’ve spent several months searching for the perfect bridal set that would compliment the beauty of my soon-to-be fiancée, Savannah, and I was extremely satisfied with the final product. However, as I walked away from the jewelry store thoughts of how the proposal will ultimately play out immediately entered my mind. While I have kicked around possible scenarios over the last year, I quickly realized the clock was now ticking and I needed to find a creative way to propose.
Typically, I spend a fair amount of time thoroughly researching topics, especially topics outside of my wheelhouse that require me to navigate through uncharted waters. However, instead of taking the aforementioned approach, I decided to think outside the box and spearhead the proposal plan without any assistance. Although there are countless websites that offer fantastic advice and unique ideas for marriage proposals I wanted to own it. I wanted it to be creative, romantic, and memorable. I wanted to incorporate elements that would capture what is meaningful in our relationship.