Let me start this post by saying that I’m not a huge movie buff, but like anyone else I do enjoy watching movies and also have a list of movies that I call my favorites. Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Breakfast Club, Casino, and Heat are just a few of the movie titles that hold a comfortable spot on my all-time favorite list. However, My Cousin Vinny, a 1992 comedy film directed by Jonathan Lynn, definitely rounds out the top ten on my all-time favorite list of movies. Perhaps you’ve seen it, heard of it? Ok, well, if you fall into the very small group of movie-goers who have missed this hilarious film here’s the plot in a nutshell.
Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei, Ralph Macchio, and Chris Credendino (Ok, I kid. I kid. You can strike my name from the list of actors, but my last name does end in the letter “o,” I am Italian, come from New York, and think I would have added something a little extra to the film – just sayin’.) are among the actors who headline the star-studded cast in this hilarious comedy about two New Yorkers who are accused of murder in rural Alabama while traveling back to college. Vincent “Vinny” Gambini, a loudmouth, obnoxious personal injury attorney from Brooklyn with zero trial experience heads south to defend the “two yutes.” Oh, excuse me… I mean… two YOUUUTHS! And so the laughs begin!
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