Today I received an email from Foursquare informing me that I just won a gift from Bravo TV, a division of NBC Universal, for being one of the first 10 Foursquare users to unlock the Bravo TV Newbie Badge. Bravo TV even chimed in confirming this gift by sending me a tweet via Twitter that read “Congrats @chriscredendino for being among the first to unlock the Bravo Newbie Badge on @foursquare – Enjoy your special gift from Bravo.” Although I have no idea what gift I will be receiving, I’m just happy to be included in the circle of winners.
Before I explain how I unlocked the Bravo TV Newbie Badge, let me start by saying that I have been a Foursquare power user ever since I starting using the location-based social media service. When Foursquare included me in their BlackBerry beta program I was not only thrilled to be able to test their new beta app, I was surprised how much I enjoyed location-based social media. Nonetheless, I’ve been using Foursquare for several months now and so far I’ve enjoyed the experience. At the time of this writing, there are approximately 400,000 registered Foursquare users so to be one of the first 10 users to unlock the new badge is not too shabby.
If you read the post titled “Foursquare and Bravo TV Join Forces” then you are familiar with the new partnership that was formed between Foursquare and Bravo TV on February 1, 2010. I unlocked the Bravo Newbie Badge the same day so as you can see it didn’t take me too long, therefore, let me take a minute to explain how you can unlock the Bravo Newbie Badge on Foursquare. The first thing you must do is add Bravo as a friend by visiting their Foursquare page. Some of my friends were confused why they couldn’t unlock the Bravo Newbie Badge when they checked into the same location as me, yet I was able to unlock my badge. The trick is to follow Bravo first and then check-in to venues that are tagged by Bravo. If you’re wondering how you are supposed to know which venues are tagged by Bravo, the answer is simple. Just visit your Foursquare page, enter “bravo” in the search box, and then click on a venue you plan on visiting. It’s important that the venue is tagged “Bravo” and that Bravo left a tip about the venue. That’s all there is to it. This holds true for other badges you would like to unlock. For example, if you are interested in unlocking the Pizzaiolo badge it is important that every pizza place you visit has the tag “Pizza” or else the venue will not count towards unlocking the badge. So what are you waiting for? Start tagging your venues today so you can unlock a plethora of badges.
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