Sweet Home Alabama Filming Locations

Below you will find 12 of the 16 filming location addresses for the Sweet Home Alabama movie. The following page includes the remaining 4 addresses. Tap or click the address link underneath each filming location to view the location on Google Maps.

Just an FYI, some of these filming locations sit on private property so it’s important that you get permission before walking around the property. As for the location used for Jake’s house, the property was littered with “No Trespassing” signs when we visited so you might want to skip this filming location, unless you get permission of course.

Filming Location Addresses: Day 1

Filming Location #1: Pigeon Creek Town Line
Address: 110 Alexander Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time from Atlanta to first filming location: 1 hour 30 minutes
Travel time to next filming location: Less than 1 minute
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #2: Town of Pigeon Creek (Real name: Crawfordville, GA)
Address: Broad Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 2 minutes
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #3: Coon Dog Cemetery (Empty Lot)
Address: 183 Moore Street Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 2 minutes
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #4: Pigeon Creek Sheriff’s Department (Real name: Taliaferro County Courthouse)
Address: 113 Monument St, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: Located across the street
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #5: Virgie’s Cafe (Real name: Bonner’s Cafe)
Address: 114 Monument Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 1 minute
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #6: Pigeon Creek Water Tower (Water tower doesn’t exist)
Address: Commerce & Askin Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: Less than 1 minute
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #7: Farmers & Merchants Bank
Address: 123 Broad Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: Located across the street
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #8: Pigeon Creek Post Office (Real name: Crawfordville Flea Market)
Address: 114 Broad Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 1 minutes
Number of miles to next filming location: 0.1 miles

Filming Location #9: CSX Railroad Bridge
Address: Monument Street, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 1 minute
Number of miles to next filming location: 0 miles

Filming Location #10: White House on the Corner
Address: 106 Park St, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 8 minutes
Number of miles to next filming location: 4.3 miles

Filming Location #11: Stella’s Roadhouse (Heavy’s Bar-B-Q)
Address: 2288 Sparta Road SE, Crawfordville, GA 30631
Travel time to next filming location: 1 hour 10 minutes
Number of miles to next filming location: 65.7 miles

Filming Location #12: Civil War Reenactment (Real name: Georgia International Horse Park)
Address: 1996 Centennial Olympic Parkway, Conyers, GA 30013
Travel time back to Atlanta: 40 minutes
Number of miles back to Atlanta: 32.4 miles