One of the Foursquare gaming elements that seems to attract a lot of attention is the plethora of badges users can unlock. Badges are awarded to users for doing all sorts of things. For example, users can unlock badges for visiting certain venues, attending certain events, accomplishing certain tasks, being consistent with their travel habits, and so much more.
Since the location-based service launched last year, the Foursquare team has been rolling out badges based on their own ideas. However, the company has always encouraged its users to submit their badge suggestions so they can get an idea of what badges are of interest to Foursquare users.
So, if you have an idea for a Foursquare badge and think it would be popular with other users, simply visit the “Suggest a badge!” Web page and submit your badge suggestion by filling out the form. Make sure you include a name for the badge, thoughts about the badge design, and the unlocking sequence.
Here are a few recent Foursquare badges I submitted:
Badge Name: Wig Nut Unlocked Sequence: Check-in 5x at venues tagged “wings.”
Badge Name: Burger Bandit Unlocked Sequence: Check-in 10x at venues tagged “burgers”/”hamburgers.”
Badge Name: Super Snow Skier Unlocked Sequence: Check-in 3x at any ski resort tagged “snow skiing.”
Badge Name: Vroom Vroom Unlock Sequence: Check-in at the NY Int. Auto Show @ Jacob Javits Center
At the time of this writing, Foursquare has about 425,000 registered users so there is no guarantee that all badge submissions will be honored. It’s not exactly clear how Foursquare will handle all the badge submissions they receive, but users may be allowed to vote on badges that the company feels will be the most popular among the Foursquare community.
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