Sweet Home Alabama: Then and Now – 12 Years Later

Inside Stella’s Roadhouse
In this scene Melanie just finished speaking with Jake’s mother, Stella, the owner of the roadhouse, about her engagement to Andrew. The telephone booth we see in the background was actually a rented prop for the movie since Heavy’s didn’t posses one. It was returned shortly after filming ended at this location.

This is the scene when Melanie delivers one of the most memorable lines in the movie while chatting with her old friend, Lurlynn. Here’s the exchange between the two:

Melanie: “Um, look at you. You have a baby… in a bar.”
Lurlynn: “Hell, I got three more at home. This one’s still on the tit, so I can cart him anywhere.
Melanie: “Right.”

Side note: The bar Melanie was sitting at waiting for her Gray Goose martini in the above scene was purchased specifically for the movie since Heavy’s isn’t a real bar. The bar cost $3,000 and now lives at Heavy’s as the order counter. Savannah and I placed our food order at this bar/counter. Ps. It was delicious!